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In order to post a vacancy, all Employers have to register with Internwise. Once the account has been activated, click on "Post a job" within your "Dashboard"
The vacancy is advertised and stays active as long as the Employer is hiring. There is a default 6 months vacancy live which can be updated by the Employer. Using the freemium plan, Employers will be able to have 3 vacancies published at the same time. Exceeding this limit, there are premium plans available for Employers (please refer to premium plans).
All vacancies should be posted in English language to serve our broad and international community of Graduates visiting Internwise. Email addresses or application links will be removed from the job spec unless the Employer account is a premium member. Overall, we expect Employers to post skilled jobs since our target audience is recent Graduates who are coming out from the university and looking for an internship, work placement or an entry-level role.
We offer 2 tier service: Freemium and Premium: Freemium – Employers can have up to 5 jobs live at any given time and review up to 5 applications per each job. Totally free of charge with absolutely no cost. Premium (Featured Employers): There are specific plans for Passive Employers and Active Employers. Available once Employer account is created
Although the functionality to search for candidates is available, we are driving all Employers to review Graduates online profiles on our sister project -
Yes! Employers will have immediate access to all Candidates CV who applied for the roles (assuming they have uploaded on their profile).
An internship average length is 3, 6 or 12 months. Aligning the Employer graduate programs strategy with each candidate expectations is the key. Some candidates are purely looking for a short-term work experience/internship; some require a 3, 6 or 12 months placement as part of their course and other candidates have completed their graduation and looking for an entry-level permanent job.
For a full-time internship, the business working hours will be applicable. For a part-time role, the Employer and the Candidate will define the pro-rata working hours accordingly
Internwise is an online job board platform for the niche of internship recruitment.
Our vision is to help reducing youth unemployment rates by directly connecting Employers and Candidates in Europe
Internwise.Eu is a brand under Kape Strategy Ltd. 2020-2025 - All rights reserved
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Employers - Post your vacancies and review your applications received
Candidates - Start applying for Internships and review Employers feedback
Employers - Post your vacancies and review your applications received
Candidates - Start applying for Internships and review Employers feedback
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